AA U3 Readings

"Black Soldiers in the U.S. Military During the Civil War" by the National Archives

Explores the experiences and impacts of African American soldiers during the Civil War.


"Venture Aims to 'Resurrect and Reimagine' Anti-Slavery Newspaper for the 21st Century" by NPR

Article explores the plans from the Boston Globe and Boston University's Center for Antiracist Research to launch an anti-racist newspaper The Emancipator that's inspired by abolitionist newspapers


"What is Juneteenth?" by Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

Explores the history and legacy of Juneteenth


"Denmark Vesey, Forgotten Hero" by The Atlantic

Brief overview of Denmark Vesey and his legacy


"This Far by Faith: Denmark Vesey" by PBS

History of Denmark Vesey's life and his plans for rebellion


"One of History's Foremost Anti-Slavery Organizers is Often Left Out of the Black History Month Story" by Paul Ortiz with TIME Magazine

Article on abolitionist leader Henry Highland Garnet's life and impacts


"Nat Turner's Rebellion" 

Brief overview of the historical context of Nat Turner's Rebellion, the event itself, and its impacts


"National Negro Convention Movement" by Blackpast

Brief overview/an introduction of the National Negro Convention Movement


Myths of the Underground Railroad

Corrects common misconceptions of the Underground Railroad


Short Overview of the Abolitionist Movement by the Equal Justice Initiative

Very brief overview of the Abolition Movement that may serve as an introduction


"The Christina Riot" by ThoughtCo

Explores the clash between freedom seekers and slave catchers in Christina, 1851 and its impacts and aftermath


"One of American History's Worst Laws Was Passed 165 Years Ago" by TIME Magazine

History of the Fugitive Slave of 1850


"The Dred Scott Decision" by MyBlackHistory

Explores the Supreme Court case Dred Scott v. Sandford and its impacts


"Five black men raided Harper's Ferry with John Brown. They've been forgotten" by WashingtonPost

Article on the five African American men who fought at Harper's Ferry


William_Harvey_Carney_c1864 civil war national archives