Documentary Films:
An 18-minute PBS documentary chronicling the obstacles Fernando Parraz, a teen in Detriot, faces from poverty to violence as he works to become the first high school graduate in his family.
A 17-minute PBS documentary captures the discrimination teenage immigrants experience from linguistic to cultural barriers on top of being a teenager through the experiences of students at Pan American International High School in Queens, New York.
A PBS documentary series that includes 6 episodes (1: Foreigners in Their Own Land, 2: Empire of Dreams, 3: War and Peace, 4: The New Latinos, 5: Prejudice and Pride, 6: Peril and Promise) covering the history of the Latinx community in North America over 500 years through their experiences.
This two-part PBS documentary follows 6 Latinx students and the challenges they face in pursuing their education in the U.S. with the overarching theme of civic engagement.
New American Girls: Lorella and Kassandra Episodes
A three-part PBS documentary series follows three “DREAMers,” Lorella and Kassandra are Latinx young women featured in two of the three episodes, on their experiences, fears, and struggles as undocumented immigrants in the United States.
A Ken Burns film with parts of episodes 1, 2, 3 related to Latinx history.
A four-minute documentary on a small group of artists who paint part of a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border to promote unity and acceptance.
Ruben Salazar: Man in the Middle
The story of journalist Ruben Salazar is followed from his work to cover the Chicano movement of the 1960s up to his strange and obscured death by a police officer in 1970, Salazar became a symbol of resistance for the Latinx community.
The story of a family being torn apart by the deportation of both parents after twenty years of living in the United States after fleeing a devastating civil war in Guatemala.
Ynés Mexía, UNLADYLIKE2020: The Changemakers, PBS
In a short documentary, the story of Mexican-American Ynés Mexía, the most accomplished female plant collector and renowned botanist, is chronicled.
Jovita Idar, UNLADYLIKE2020: The Changemakers, PBS
Jovita Idar was a civil rights activist who wrote to expose the experiences of Mexican Americans at the beginning of the 20th century specifically in the United States South.
Feature Films:
Chronicling Chavez’s life and work with the United Farm Workers Union to fight for improved working conditions from the Delano Grape Strike to the Salad Bowl Campaign to the 1975 Modesto March.
City in Red / Ciudad en Rojo (2009)
The film covers 24 hours in the violent city of Santiago de Cuba, which was used by Fidel Castro’s rebels, the 26th of July Movement, as a supply area, and how the violence disrupted the life of residents in the city in 1959.
Frontera! Revolt and Rebellion on the Rio Grande (2014)
An animated short film that explores the history of Northern Mexico in the Colonial era and how the beliefs of the indigenous peoples of the area are still central to the struggles of the current Latinx community.
A film on the conflict between the Nicaraguan government and the Contra rebels who were supported by the U.S. government in 1979 and the experiences of one U.S. veteran sent to train the rebels.
The story of photojournalist Sergio Haro and his fight to stand firm in his social justice reporting practices of exposing narcotics traffickers and corrupt politicians that lead to threats.
The story of Archbishop Óscar Romero of El Salvador and his commitment to protesting the military regime that eventually killed him.
The Milagro Beanfield War (1988)
The film depicts a common struggle through the story of small immigrant beanfield farmers fighting to survive against large, corrupt business and political interests in the area over the high-value resource of water.
Based on the story of the 1968 East L.A. walkouts or the Chicano Blowouts, this film follows the student-led protests of inequities and injustices in the schools of East L.A. and the discrimination Latinx students experienced.